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Submission Saturday Vol. 1 || How to create your own meal plan

Hello! Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this post I would like to take a moment and just say thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. I know that you are crazy busy, however it is so important that we learn how to properly take care of our bodies! So with that being said, let's get started!

In my 10 plus years of being in the fitness industry I have had the opportunity to observe a vast amount of people from different stages in life. The interesting part was that whether they are young, old, experienced in the gym, or just starting out they all wanted 1 of 2 things: To lose fat or build muscle. Does that resonate with you?! It sure does with me. With summer time right upon us, my mind has shifted to losing unwanted fat and really showing off some hard earned muscle! But maybe your goal - because we don't dream, we have GOALS that we take action on - is to add some solid muscle - side note again, ladies you will not look manly if you add muscle. Whatever you goal is, I want to simplify the topic of nutrition and empower you to create your own meal plan without paying boo-koo's of money! This post is going to focus on the two most prevalent health & fitness categories: Fat loss & muscle gain. So, let's go!

Muscle Building & Fat Loss

We have all seen someone who has a physique we admire. The flat stomach, chiseled chest, perky butt, or the big biceps at one time or another have inspired us to maybe start our own fitness journey. "But where do I start?" you might ask. In the kitchen is the answer you are looking for! Enough talking though, let's look at some pragmatic ways to make this happen!


You need to decide how many times a week you are going to workout. My recommendation is to aim for 5-6 times a week; however I understand that for some people that is just not doable so a minimum of 3 is what you should do.

Now that you have that figured out, click here to find out how to build your own muscle building meal plan!


Maybe you are on the other side of the spectrum and you are wanting to shed some unwelcome pounds, let's see how to do that! Click here to find out how to build your own personal fat loss program!

One thing to remember is that as your body weight changes, you will need to update the numbers. Your body is constantly changing so you need to stay up to date with it. I check my weight and body fat once a week (usually Saturday morning on an empty stomach) then readjust my numbers from there. If you have plateaued, whether you are trying to lose or gain weight, a good rule of thumb is to increase or decrease your calories by 200-400 calories per day with 75% of the difference going into carbs and 25% going into fats.

I hope this post adds value to you. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. If you want to like this post, GREAT! If you want to share it, even better ;)

Much Love!

- Josh

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